Thursday, February 2, 2012

Where do i plug the code scanner into my 1993 ford probe?

I have a 1993 ford probe and the check engine light is on. I have the tool to check it but i dont know where to plug it in. There is a small box by the fuse box under the hood that reads diagnostic but the plug is wrong.Where do i plug the code scanner into my 1993 ford probe?OBM-II scanners are for a 1996 and later car. To reset your check engine light on your model just unhook the battery for ten minutes.Where do i plug the code scanner into my 1993 ford probe?
I own a 1994 Ford Probe GT. My car only has a diagnostics under the hood by fue box. The plug you see is two different ones. The top one is for an OBD1 (Ford) and the lower one is for a mazda).

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Where do i plug the code scanner into my 1993 ford probe?you need OBD-1 not OBD-II type scanner check for secondary scan plug under the dash.Where do i plug the code scanner into my 1993 ford probe?
make sure you have the right code scanner. 96 and newer cars have code scanners that have screens and the older cars use a totaly different scanner that uses a flashing light system and a book. They have different style plug ins the old scanner has only like 4-5 prongs and are usely pluged in under the hood, newer ons have like15 and get pluged in under the dashWhere do i plug the code scanner into my 1993 ford probe?Well, my step-dad has a 93 ford probe gt v-6. Under the hood on the driver side fenderwell there is a diagnostic connector. It has like 16 pins. You know ford bought mazda so I thought it would take an import scanner.In 96 gov mandated obd2 on all cars. Some manufacturers started a little earlier. I believe that this connector is an obd2 style connector that may be an obd2 system, but more than likely is an OBD1 diagnostic system. I am going to try an obd2 scanner on it an see if it plugs up and if it will scan it. You know how fords are now. LOL

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